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End of the 2017 Season

By April 27, 2017FRC 2017

Hello again from The Automatons!

10k was a wild ride. We played hard, worked hard, and definitely built hard. Unfortunately, we didn’t qualify for championships, but after ranking 19th with a 4-4-0 record we were the 9th pick for playoffs, which landed us on the 8th-seeded alliance with Blaze Robotics and QWERTY Robotics. Despite being the lowest-ranking alliance, we managed to secure a 2-0 win against the #1 seeded alliance! However, we went down in the semi-finals (again) due to our robot losing connection during a tiebreaker match.

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4664 2480 2823 2847 6709 6424 108 170
2500 2509 1816 3202 2823 2511 292 168
2823 2232 4207 6175 3630 3751 211 264
3184 2532 2823 4229 2529 3745 231 115
2181 3026 2480 3058 2823 2239 140 270
5172 2823 2545 3278 3839 2498 259 330
6176 4607 4198 3026 2052 2823 148 318
5637 3100 3244 2823 2498 3454 90 315
3026 2500 2052 3278 3184 2823 256 299
3026 2500 2052 3278 3184 2823 165 246
2823 3184 3278 3299 4198 2181 306 235
2823 3184 3278 3299 4198 2181 216 305
2823 3184 3278 3299 4198 2181 180 300

Besides performing a lot better than we did at Northern Lights, we also won the Innovation in Control award for our spectacular shooting mechanism that made Omnibus the best shooter there. Those that weren’t busy building or programming presented for Chairman’s and Dean’s List and did extensive scouting throughout the matches. Also, ScotBot did a bit of dancing and we got a visit from our principal, Dr. Winston Tucker!

Videos of Omni in action can be found on our YouTube page. We’re currently planning a car wash on May 13th to raise money for next year, so stop by Highland from 9-2 if you want to support us (or if your car just needs a wash).

Thanks for keeping up with us!

Follow HP Robotics on all of the official channels and share with your friends!


If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

If you would like to contribute to the team, please use this link to contribute through GiveMN. Thank you!


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